Our Mission
The Southwest Riverside County Biz PAC is committed to maintaining our region and ensuring a vibrant future
Promote Southwest Riverside County as an important economic region in Southern California
Southwest Riverside County is an important economic region that needs positive leadership
Support an evolving economy with a broad range of sustainable industries
Keep the region safe and clean to support vital industries such as tourism
Preserve Southwest Riverside County’s quality of life
Southwest Riverside County is a great place to live, work and raise a family
Support actions that keep the region a safe and clean place to live and work
Maintain a balanced approach to growth while maintaining what makes the region special
Maintain Southwest Riverside County’s regional influence
Engage in regional governments to properly represent the region
Recruit the right leaders to protect the region’s interests
Represent the region at the state and federal level
Engage in promoting Southwest Riverside County’s future
Promote leadership that aligns
Encourage new leadership to inspire growth for the next generations
Boost the regions history and location unique position and take advantage of potential opportunities